Congratulations to The Most Handsome Duo in the World, consisting of Dylan Boyle and David Smit, winners of the 2010 Iowa Blues Solo/Duo Challenge held September 12, 2010 at Blues on Grand. Dylan Boyle, 21 is originally from Burlington, IA and currently is a senior in journalism at Iowa State University in Ames, IA. David Smit, 23 is originally from Boxholm, IA and graduated last December from Iowa State University in Ames, IA with a degree in mechanical engineering.
The Most Handsome Duo in the World received $250 cash plus $300 travel expenses to Memphis as our state representative at the International Blues Challenge to be held February 2-5, 2011.They were one of eight acts from across Iowa to participate in this event.
The other acts that performed this year are: Gary “Cookie” Anderson, The Lew & Brad Band, Bodley & Cantrell, Two Pony Blues Band, Joel Baker, The Most Handsome Duo in the World, Soulful Security Duo, and Bebad and the Bear.
For the sixth year, the Central Iowa Blues Society, in cooperation with the Mississippi Valley Blues Society and Lizard Creek Blues Society, presents the 2010 Iowa Blues Challenge, an all-Iowa Blues Solo/Duo contest.
The 2010 Iowa Blues Challenge is proudly sponsored by Central Iowa Blues Society, Mississippi Valley Blues Society, Lizard Creek Blues Society, Budweiser and Citadel Broadcasting/95KGGO & 98.3WOW.