August 26 @ Zimms

The Solo/Duo Competition Schedule:

  • 4:00 PM-Freight Train Frank
  • 4:45 PM-The Voice of Experience
  • 5:30 PM-Matt Woods
  • 6:15 PM-Dan Peart
  • 7:00 PM-Dale Reed

For the eighth year, the Central Iowa Blues Society, in cooperation with the Mississippi Valley Blues Society, Lizard Creek Blues Society, South Skunk Blues Society and Southeast Iowa Blues Society presents the 2012 Iowa Blues Challenge, an all-Iowa Blues Solo/Duo contest.

The 2012 Solo/Duo Iowa Blues Challenge features competition between 5 acts this year on the same day. Each act will perform a 30-minute set at Zimm’s Food and Spirits, 3124 Ingersoll in Des Moines, IA, on Sunday. August 26, 2012. The acts competing for the top spot earn the opportunity to travel to Memphis for the International Blues Challenge, January 29-February 2, 2013, (Go to for all of the details on the International Blues Challenge.)

Zimm’s will open at 11 AM so stop by for lunch. The acts start at 4 PM. Cover will be $6 for Blues Society members w/card and $7 for non-members.

A V-Style guitar will be given away during the competition. Register every Wednesday 7-10 during Zimm’s live blues performance of the Bob Pace Band.

The 2012 Iowa Blues Challenge is proudly sponsored by Central Iowa Blues Society, Mississippi Valley Blues Society, Lizard Creek Blues Society, South Skunk Blues Society, Southeast Iowa Blues Society, Zimm’s Food & Spirits, Budweiser, Summit Brewing Co., Cumulus Media/95KGGO & 98.3WOW and Cityview.

More information is available at or 515-225-6638.